The Opposition Within
During the season of Lent 2025 we will work through the opposing desires in every believer of the flesh and the spirit. These opposing desires are outlined in Galatians 5:13-19. We will use the Seven Arrows of Bible Study for Group Discussions using the schedule below.
Lent - 40-Day period between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday where we reflect on our sinfulness and need for Christ's sacrifice on the cross.
Sin - Failure to be or do what God requires, resulting in God’s judgment, and death.
Repentance - Recognition, sorrow and turning away from sin, to return to God’s design and righteous demands.
Justification - God’s pardon, acceptance, and declaration of a sinner to be "just" based on Christ's righteousness. This reality is applied by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, apart from all works and merit of the sinner.
Sanctification - The process of a Christian becoming more like Christ.
Spiritual Disciplines - Embodied practices that are means of God’s grace which position us before God to receive transformation.
Fasting - Practice of abstaining from a food or activity for a set period of time to reorient one’s affections on the Lord.
Our Role in Sanctification - Michael Horton
Week 1 - Opposition Within
Week 2 - The Desire for Love
Week 3 - The Desire for Joy and Peace
Week 4 - The Desire for Security and Control and Contentment
Week 5 - The Desire for Comfort (Relief) - (Drunkenness (Desire for Numb / Relief / Escape)